General Gaming
Louisiana is a relatively gaming friendly state. A casino and numerous riverboat casinos in the state offer table games, slot machines and card games. Pari-mutuel wagering and advance deposit wagering on horseracing is also authorized. Louisiana has a lottery and regulates tribal gaming. Charitable gaming is heavily regulated due to fear of corruption by organized crime. Sports betting and fantasy sports are illegal however, a newly enacted bill will authorize each parish to legalize fantasy sports by ballot in November 2018.
Video Gaming
The state does not allow gambling by electronic sweepstakes device. Video draw poker machines may be operated at locations with liquor licenses, at qualified truck stops and licensed pari-mutuel wagering locations. A video draw poker device is a device that upon insertion of cash, plays or simulates a game of draw where the player may win games or credits that are redeemable only for cash. Video draw poker devices are not devices that directly dispense coins, cash, tokens, or anything else of value aside from the ticket vouchers required by law. The term video draw poker device is not meant to include any device authorized for use in charitable gaming, video line up games, mechanical reel games, or slot machines. Slot machines may operate at racetracks and commercial casinos, but may not operate at any location where video draw poker machines are offered. A slot machine is any mechanism or device that upon insertion of a coin, token or payment of consideration, delivers or may entitle the person playing to receive cash, merchandise or anything of value.